During the 1st - 3rd grade Children's Church time, we watched most of Pastor Casey's sermon and then connected the sermon with Samson with the word PARADOX!
The kids did a great job of taking notes using the ABC method, which I recommend using when your kids are in church with you.
Here are some of the words from the notes.

The Israelites & Samson
Click HERE for a good explanation of this week's Bible leasson!
The Israelites and Samson were blessed by God in amazing ways!
Yet both became full of PRIDE instead of PRAISE!
During these ALMOST in Church Sundays, we make an effort to help
the kids learn how to listen, take notes and apply Sunday's sermon.
In the children's chapel we will sometimes mute the sermon to explain difficult ideas. For example, during yesterday's sermon we explained the hardened hearts of the Israelites by using three children.
One child represented the Israelites.
The second child represented the Gentiles.
The third child represented God.
God gave the first child so many amazing blessings. Many of these blessings and others went not only to the Israelites but also to the Jews.
Instead of praising God, they became prideful.
Because of their hard, prideful hearts, God chose to bless all of the nations just as He promised Abraham through Jesus. At the same time, He is one day going to fulfill all of His promises to Israel because He is faithful.the parents develop tools to help their family (adults and children) worship together on Kids In Church Sundays and beyond those scheduled times.
We post many different resources to help parents lead their families.The PARADOX is the life blessed by God lived in a self-centered way.
Don't live this way!!
An activity we started and you can continue on your own is a blessing list!
- List blessings in your life.
- Talk about what using these blessing for yourself and your own glory would look like.
- Talk about what using these blessing for God and His glory would look like.
For example
- Food
- Selfishly get the biggest piece, not sharing, arguing about why you can't have more.
- Sharing with others at family meals, through Groceries for life and many other ways.
A thankful life is a life filled with praise.
A selfish life needs to be repented of.
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