Saturday, August 29, 2015

Finishing the Bible Tomorrow & Preparing for Genesis Next Week.


We have gone from Genesis to Revelation over these last 3 years!
Thank you to all the teachers and parents that were so helpful and faithful
in teaching God's Word!
This review video is a great summary of what we have been teaching during this time!

The Big Story from The Gospel Project | LifeWay on Vimeo.


Generations of Grace, the curriculum we use, has put together a new family resource. 

This Family Devotional Book has 5 days of devotionals connected with each week's lesson.

You can click HERE for a sample of this lesson.

This would be a great resource for families to do together.

How do I use the Family Devotional?

The Family Devotional provides five daily devotionals that correspond with each lesson in the teacher book. It was created to make children’s ministry what children’s ministry should be—a way to equip and encourage parents to fulfill their duty to train up their children in the Lord. Each daily devotional indicates the portion of the passage to be read, provides concise insights into the passage, and suggests questions and discussion ideas, some simple for young children and others requiring a lot of thought for older children and adults. It also includes pictures illustrating the lesson.
You can order one of these books at
We may also have some copies available for purchase.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Your Role in Discipling Your Kids!

Parents, I want to remind you of the motivating principle in our children's ministry.
Parents are the primary disciple makers in their children's lives.

With this being said I want to remind you of some discipleship resources.

For children in our EKIDZ classes:
Each quarter we provide families with a weekly guide for each week's lesson.
Paper copies are available at the wall rack by the check-in kiosk.
Electronic copies can be download by clicking HERE 
Each week a family worship guide is sent home with your child.
Paper copies are available in each classroom
Electronic copies can be viewed by HERE
For children in the 10:30 service with their families (4th and 5th graders and others by families decision):
You may want to check out for sermon notes. This could help you and your child prepare for Sunday.
Here are some ideas to help your family
read through the passages that will be used on Sunday.
note key ideas, quotes or points you want your child to remember.
maybe even think about a note taking method (listen for certain words, note big ideas or other ideas).

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Family Prayer Time Ideas!

During the last 3 summers, we have had Family Prayer times during our Summer Prayer Meeting times.

These family prayer times are designed to give families a set time to pray together while also showing some creative ways to pray as a family.

Tonight is the final prayer time for this summer.  The theme is Family Prayer Walks.
Families will have two different options to choose from.  A church prayer walk or a neighborhood prayer walk.

A church prayer walk:
This is designed to remind families of different ministries at Emmanuel Baptist Church and the different pastors for.

A neighborhood prayer walk:
This is designed to help you walk your neighborhood or the church neighborhood and pray for those in your community.  You may even have opportunities to talk with neighbors about what you are doing.

Just so you know these are great resources to use any time.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Money, Kids and Jesus!

I want ________!
I need ________!
Can I buy _______!

And those are just your questions!  I am not even talking about your child.

This Sunday morning, August 9, is a Kids in Church Sunday.  So the 1st through 3rd graders will be with their parents!

This post is going to share some talking points for your family before and after the message and also some helps you can use with your child during the message.

Before coming to church:
What does it mean to be generous?
Jim will be using 1 Corinthian 16:2 and 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 to develop the idea of developing a spirit of generosity. 
What does it mean to be content?
Jim will be using 1 Timothy 6:6 - 10 to talk about being content. 
What does it mean to have integrity?
Proverbs 6:16 - 19, 16:8, 19:1 and 20:7
During the message:
There will be EKIDZ sermon note pages.  You can also print them beforehand by click HERE.
Use tally marks to see how many times generosity (generous), content (contentment) and integrity are used during the sermon. 
Write down or draw pictures of different ways we can be these things.  Listen for examples that area given in the sermon.
After the message:
Make your child understand stewardship and each of the other words from a Biblical perspective.
This might be a challenging question for you to ask your child:  Have you seen me demonstrate generosity, contentment and integrity?  How?  How can I improve? 
Ask your child how he/she is doing in each of these areas.  What are some ways they can grow? 
Decide on one thing you are going to do as a family to be better stewards.  Have each person decide on one thing they are going to do personally to be a better steward. 
Pray that God would help you and your family to find your satisfaction in Him.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Lessons, Tips and Don'ts for Parenting!!

Here is an post with 39 Lessons, 20 Tips and 10 “Don’ts” For Parenting

Here are a couple of the lessons from the article:
  • Ordinary times make for extraordinary memories.
  • On some days, it’s just fine to accomplish nothing more than keeping your kids fed and safe.
  • God elects. God saves. Parents cannot do this heart-changing work. At best we can pray and point to the One who can cause our children to be born again.
  • Fight materialism by teaching your children to have a thankful heart (1 Thes. 5:18: “…give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”)

Saturday, August 1, 2015

This world does not revolve around you!

Below the video are the character qualities Pastor Dave discussed with the Junior campers and a link to the powerpoints.

Humility:  I don’t know it all and can’t do it all!!
Faithfulness:  God does know it all and is all powerful.  I need to trust Him.
Selflessness:  This world does not revolve around me!
Self-control:  My life is not my own.
Here is the dropbox link for more on each of the lessons:

"Happy Day" & "My Lighthouse" sung at the last night of Week #8

These videos are from the combined chapel of Camp Patmos ( Week #8!
The Pathfinders (middle school) and Juniors loved these songs!

To seek pictures from the whole week click HERE