Monday, June 30, 2014

Family Prayer Time Starting July 9th.

Our Summer Prayer time is going to have special, interactive prayer times for families with children 2 years old through 5th grade.

Going on Prayer Walks
Making Prayer Calendars
and other activities will be part of these special times.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Some great Bible teaching & a pie in the face!

To find out what the kids were learning click HERE

Children's Chapel before SONSHINE begins

First Graders listening to the Bible story

2nd graders singing.

Adam teaching the kids

We reached our goal!  Pastor Dan got a pie in the face!!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Do you know what is on your child's ipod?

If you don't you should.
Whisper, Snapchat, poof and others.

And if your child doesn't have an ipod or smartphone, someone he knows does have one.

Here is an article about nine of the most dangerous apps for kids.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


We are very thankful for the opportunity to share with your child this week.  It’s been a great week of games, snacks, crafts & Bible teaching!!

Here at Emmanuel Baptist Church, one of our goals in children’s
ministry is to help parents teach their children the truth of God’s word.
In training the teachers, we specifically told them to encourage the children to talk to a parent, grandparent or other significant adult about what they have been learning this week.
You can find out more about each night’s lessons below.
If through your child’s questions, you have your own questions about the Bible and the Gospel, we would love to help you find answers.  Please contact the church by phone (419.473.3280) or email (children @

Our theme verse for the week is
Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our LORD Jesus Christ
1 Corinthians 15:57

Sunday Night's lesson was Welcome to the team
We looked at the story of Jesus calling the disciples in  Luke 5:1-15
Our memory verse was Romans 3:23

Monday Night's lesson was Learn from the best
Learn from the best: 
We looked at how Jesus shows His power in Mark 5:21-43 and Luke 8:40-56
Our memory verse was 1 John 1:7b

Tuesday night's lesson was  Run Up the Caution Flag:  
We looked at who is the greatest from Matthew 20:17-28 and Mark 10:32-52
Our memory verse was Romans 10:9

Wednesday night's lesson was Jesus in the Winner's Circle.
We looked at the fact that Jesus is the victor using John 20:1—22 and Acts 1:8—11
Our memory verse was Romans 6:23

Thursday night's lesson was Full Speed Ahead.
We looked at how Peter and John carry on the message of the Gospel in Acts 3 & 4
Our memory verse was 2 Peter 3:18

If you have any questions about the lessons covered or the Gospel, 
please email

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Children need to be Obeyers and Prayers

From Changed Into His Image by Jim Berg
This is specifically for preschool children but if you have older children who have not learned this truth, they need to learn this.
Preschool Children can - and must - learn, however, as early as possible that there is an order in life and that they are subordinates.  They are not  rulers but obeyers.
They must also be taught as soon as possible to ask God for help to obey.  The self-denial that must must become a regular practice of life must eventually become a God-dependent self denial.  A parent can reinforce this as he prays with his preschooler at structured teaching times and at times of correction.  A parent can pray, "And dear Jesus, help Johnny to obey Mommy and Daddy.  It will be too hard for him unless YOU help him to please YOU instead of himself."  This teaches Johnny early on that God is the most important component in his obedience.
page 255.

Monday, June 9, 2014

When Parents and the Church Collaborate

"It Takes a Church:  When Parents and the Church Collaborate" is a message Mel Walker preached at Pastor's Ministry Enrichment Day at Baptist Bible College in Clarks Summit, PA.

This message reflects much of what I would love to see happening even more in our children's ministry.
Sean MacPherson

To hear the other 3 sessions click

Here is the link to the Intergenerational Youth Ministry site:

Friday, June 6, 2014

Don't Miss This Great Opportunity.

Camp is a great opportunity to meet new friends, strengthen long time friendships, have some awesome fun and grow in your relationship with God. 

Received this email today from Camp Patmos...
We are still taking camper for the week of July 14th, but it is almost full.  I foresee us being completely full for both of these camps in the next week.
 If you are planning to send your middle school or elementary student to camp, go to to register sooner than later.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

When It's Time for the Talk - Reviews of several books

From Tim Challies @
 "It’s a question I receive often: Do you know of any good resources for having The Talk with my kids? I don’t think too many parents look forward to having the birds and the bees talk with their kids, yet it is unavoidable. And what’s more, in a pornified world where the average first exposure to Internet pornography is age twelve and falling, it’s a discussion that just can’t be delayed indefinitely. Actually, it’s a talk you almost need to have before they’re ready—to teach them what’s true and good before they can be exposed to what’s base and inappropriate."
"Thankfully there are a few helpful resources that have found their way into my mailbox over the past few years."  To read about these resources click HERE

Leading Your Family with Purpose using the Family Worship Guide

This quarter's family worship guide is HERE.

This booklet is designed to help families talk about and live out the lessons learned on Sunday mornings.  

This summer's guide also has a page with the lesson outline for SONSHINE so you can also talk about those lessons and verses.

If you have any questions or suggestions about the guide, please email

To help you talk about each week's lesson, the guide provides the following information to help reinforce the lesson:
  • The title of the lesson
  • The passage covered in the lesson
  • The basic principle in the lesson, which usually focuses on God.
  • A couple of prompt questions to help your child explain the lesson
  • A couple of practice statements to help you and your child apply the lesson.
  • The memory verses, which have been selected to help reinforce the principle of the lesson.   
  • This website which contains resources to help parents grow. 
The guide also have the weekly missionary and monthly ministry prayer items.  These will be help your family pray for our church and ministries.