Saturday, February 6, 2016

Toothpaste & Respect!

Virtue: RESPECT - Showing others they are important by what you say and do.

Scripture Verse: Show proper respect to everyone. 1 Peter 2:17a (NIrV)

Bottom Line: Respect others with your words.

Coach: You will need a tube of toothpaste

All right, guys. How many of you have ever seen this? (toothpaste tube) How many of you brushed your teeth today?
What happens when I squeeze the tube?

That’s right! Toothpaste comes out!

What if I asked  you to put the toothpaste back in the tube after I squeezed it out? Could you do it? No way. Once that toothpaste comes out, it can’t go back in.

Well, there’s one part of showing respect that works the exact same way as that tube of toothpaste..  What does respect mean again? (Pause for responses.) That’s right. It’s showing others they are important by what you say and do. And one really important way to respect others is with our words.

The Bible says that from your mouth can come both praising and cursing. Basically that means that you can use respectful, kind words one minute and disrespectful, unkind words the next.
Sometimes you can do both in the same sentence! Your words have the power to show respect and honor to someone . . . but they also have the power to show disrespect and tear someone down. So you really need to choose your words carefully.

And you know what?  Your words are a lot like that toothpaste that came out of the tube.  Once you’ve said something, you can’t put it back where it came from. There are no do-overs.  But the good news is that you have complete control over what comes out of your mouth. The key is to think before you speak. Before you respond in anger, frustration or with a disrespectful attitude, it’s better to stop and take a breath. Are the words you’re about to say helpful or hurtful? Will they build up or tear the other person down?

When you choose respectful words, you definitely show others how important they are to you.  So before you answer your mom with a “whatever” or your dad with a “that’s so lame, Dad”— stop yourself and choose respectful words instead. Here’s something that might help. This week, when you brush your teeth, I want you remember what we talked about today—to respect others with your words. Think you can do that? Cool.
Let’s pray and ask God to help us with that this week.

Dear God, thanks for reminding us that our words have the power to help or hurt. We want to be careful with the things we say because You created and love every person and that means that each person deserves our respect. Help our words be pleasing and honoring to You so that we can show respect to others. We love You and we ask these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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