Thursday, January 21, 2016

Respect!! This week's virtue.

Before the game on Saturday be sure to talk to your child about respecting the referee, the coach and other players.  You might even want to mention respecting parents : )  Here is this week's devotional.

Virtue: RESPECT - Showing others they are important by what you say and do.

Scripture Verse: Show proper respect to everyone. 1 Peter 2:17a (NIrV)

Bottom Line: Respect those who are in charge.

I’ve got a question for you guys. Can you name some people who are in charge over you? Go ahead and shout them out. (Pause for responses.) Yep—you’ve got it. There are lots and lots of people who are in charge of us. From parents to teachers to coaches like me. Even I have people who are over me. I have a boss at work who’s in charge. It’s my job to listen to what he (she) has to say and follow his (her) leadership. That’s what respect is all about. Respect is showing others they are important by what you say and do.

Now, who’s in charge out on the basketball court during a game? It’s not the coaches, and it’s not the players. Any guesses? (Pause for responses.) Yep, it’s the referee! The ref’s job is to enforce the rules of the game and maintain order on the court. Now, what would happen if you guys all headed out on the court and decided to completely ignore the authority of the ref? (Pause for responses.) That’s right. Things would probably be kind of a mess. As players and coaches, it’s our job to respect the referee and follow their lead on the court.

Have you ever seen a player or a coach on TV who didn’t respect the referee? Maybe it’s a guy who got a foul and then made a face and lifted his hands up like he’d been robbed. Or maybe it was a coach who didn’t like a call, so he tossed his clipboard and threw a giant tantrum. Think about it—how did those guys look? Did they look cool? Or ridiculous? (Pause for responses.) Yep—when we show disrespect to the people who are in charge, we just embarrass ourselves. But the opposite is also true. Let’s say you don’t agree with the call the ref made . . . but you still nod your head and say, “Yes, Ref.” That shows the ref that you know their job is important. It shows that you respect them, just like you’d want someone else to respect you.

Interaction Questions:

  1. Why do you think God wants us to show respect to people in charge? (He’s the One who placed them over us. When we respect them, we’re showing that we trust God.)
  2. Can you disagree with someone who’s in charge and still show them respect? (Yes.) How  (Body language, eye contact, tone of voice)
  3. What are some ways that people show disrespect? (Rolling their eyes, raising their voice, speaking out of turn, complaining behind someone’s back)
  4. Do you think other people notice how you act toward those who are over you? Why is that important? (You can be a leader and an example of how to treat others.)
So, I have a challenge for you this week. I want you to think about the people who are in charge of you—the ones we mentioned earlier. And I want you to think about choices you can make that will show them respect. Maybe you can show them respect by choosing kind words instead of disrespectful ones when you talk to your mom or dad. Maybe it’s really listening to your teacher instead of goofing off or talking during class. Or, hey, maybe it’s respecting the ref’s calls out there on the court. Are you guys up for this respect challenge? Awesome! Why don’t we pray and ask God to help us respect those who are in charge this week?

God, thanks for this great reminder about showing respect. We love You, and we want You to know how much we respect You! Help us to follow through and show respect this week to the people who are in charge of us. We know that when we respect those in charge that we’re also showing You respect too because You are the One who put them in charge. We love You and we ask these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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