Sunday, January 18, 2015

5 Ways to Teach Your Kids.

In Emmanuel Baptist Church's children's ministry itis our prayer that parents would realize, understand and embrace their essential role in discipling their children.  We want to help families grow in this area.

This past week a blog post entitled "5 Simple Ways to Teach Your Kids Theology" was shared by several prominent church leaders.  

"It is our job as parents to teach our children theology. It can be intimidating, but it doesn’t require a seminary degree. You can help your kids know and love Jesus more."

Here are the five ways and how we are trying to help families do each of them.
  1. "Read the Bible."  We provide parents with the Bible reading from each week's lesson.  Use this resource throughout the week.
  2. "Read other books together."  On the blog there a recommendations for different books
  3. "Pray intentionally."  On the weekly take home sheets we list a missionary and ministry to be praying for.  You can expand on these but know they provide a solid start.
  4. "Talk about entertainment."  While we haven't been doing this as much as we should, the Media/Internet link on shows different resources and reviews.
  5. "Model it"  This is why we have the 1st through 3rd graders in the service.  Witnessing their parents and other adults worshiping the LORD together is a powerful teaching tool
You can read more about each of these 5 ways at

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