Thursday, April 3, 2014

An Exciting Problem in the children's wing and Reasons You Think You Cannot Help.

No the problem is not with the new building.

The exciting problem is we have recently had a large number of new children coming on Sunday mornings.
We are excited that we have the chance to share God, His love and His word with more children.
We want to do this in a way that will help children learn.

This is especially true with the 2 year old through kindergarten classes.
If you want to find out more  about serving talk to Andrea Fansler, go to or email

Here are five reasons why you might think you cannot help in children's ministry along with reasons why you actually can.

I cannot serve because I don't know the Bible.
On any given Sunday we don't teach every single part of the Bible.  We teach a certain aspect of the Bible.
If you have a heart for Christ and you desire to see kids come to Christ you have the basic essentials to work with kids.

I cannot commit the time.
There is nothing more full time than your commitment to Christ.  In serving in children's ministry, you are merely committing to use an hour or two a week in a ministry kids who need to hear God's truth.

I don't have kids. 
The older you are the more wisdom you have for the kids and other teachers.
The younger you are the more energy you should have.

I don't want to do what I experienced growing up.
Some people may not have had a great experience in Sunday School.
If that is the case, determine that you want to make a difference in kids.
If that is not the case, desire to share what you experienced with others.

I don't know what to do.
You will be trained in what to do.  We have been working on ways to improve our training process.

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