We have gone from Genesis to Revelation over these last 3 years!
Thank you to all the teachers and parents that were so helpful and faithful
in teaching God's Word!
This review video is a great summary of what we have been teaching during this time!
The Big Story from The Gospel Project | LifeWay on Vimeo.
Generations of Grace, the curriculum we use, has put together a new family resource.
This Family Devotional Book has 5 days of devotionals connected with each week's lesson.
You can click HERE for a sample of this lesson.
This would be a great resource for families to do together.
How do I use the Family Devotional?
The Family Devotional provides five daily devotionals that correspond with each lesson in the teacher book. It was created to make children’s ministry what children’s ministry should be—a way to equip and encourage parents to fulfill their duty to train up their children in the Lord. Each daily devotional indicates the portion of the passage to be read, provides concise insights into the passage, and suggests questions and discussion ideas, some simple for young children and others requiring a lot of thought for older children and adults. It also includes pictures illustrating the lesson.
You can order one of these books at generationsofgrace.squarespace.com/products/We may also have some copies available for purchase.