Monday, May 30, 2016

Talk to your kids about Memorial Day!!

If you haven't talked to your kids about Memorial Day, then here are some resources.
memorial_day-title-1-still-4x3Memorial Day is coming soon.  It is much more than the start of summer, cook outs and social media images..I have a grandfather (deceased), father-in-law (living) and other extended family members (living and deceased) who have served in various branches of the military and I am VERY THANKFUL for each of them.
Here are two important reminders as Memorial Day approaches.
Why the government established this specific holiday:
Memorial Day, which is observed on the last Monday of May, commemorates the men and women who died while in the military service.  In observance of the holiday, many people visit cemeteries and memorials, and volunteers often place American flags on each grave site at national cemeteries.  A national moment of remembrance takes place at 3:00 p.m. local time.
What we need to remember each and every day:
It is my prayer that holidays like Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day will bring Christ-following Americans to their knees in prayerful thanksgiving for our country.  We need to remember what a blessing we have.
As we remember today, many, I’m sure, are asking themselves why these deaths have to happen? Why war? Why did my buddy die in that firefight rather than me? Their questions are understandable. I hear these questions by the very men and women I serve. Their pain elicits tears, anger, and shouts of outrage—again, understandably so. “It’s not suppose to be this way,” they cry.
Why then? Why war? Why these deaths? My answer to them is to weep with them. And to hug them and say I am so sorry. Then when the time is right, I gently explain to them how our world is broken. Our world is fractured at its foundation. And the brokenness is why there are wars. And wars exist because the world is full of rebels, not merely rebels against foreign governments and people they don’t like, but rebels primarily against a good and holy God. Like Satan, these rebels want to be number one. And so they hate and murder and vie for power—to be, well, if it were possible, in control of the universe. These rebels who wage war, then, fundamentally do it not to overpower the opponent, but to overpower God.
I ask, how can this brokenness be undone? How can the fractured foundation be repaired? The how is in a Person. The question is better posed as Who can undue and repair this bloody mess? But, before answering the Whom, I gently ask these troubled souls to be honest with themselves. Something is not right within them, either. They struggle themselves with depression, intoxication, outbursts of anger, anxiety, pride, fear, lust, and regret. The brokenness is not only in the thick of war, but in their own hearts as well. The world needs mending, but so do they.  (emphasis mine)
So on this Memorial Day I am very thankful for…
the common grace of God, the grace EVERY American experiences because they are American, because there are great, honorable Americans who have faithfully served our country, and ultimately because God is good.
the saving grace of God found in Jesus Christ and made known in the Bible, the grace those who have been saved by God through faith are living in.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Serving as & Discipling for Families

Post updated at 9:30 pm, 05.21.16 with some pictures from the work day!

Excited to be heading to Jamaica
Sad about missing the opportunity to serve alongside EBC families Remember you need to be serving others!

Here are some pictures of the Work Day!
LOVE seeing people of many different ages working together!!!

While more "skilled" workers might have gotten things done faster, there was some great work done today for the Aurora House by EBC families!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Teacher Resource: God gives the Ten Commandments (05.22)


2014-11-30 CM Preview from Faith Church on Vimeo.

God and Camp!!

"In the beginning God!!!"

The Creator of the Universe is an awe inspiring God!  Camp provides a great opportunity to disconnect from technology and reconnect with God's wonderful creation.   

HERE is an article in the Baptist Bulletin and below is an  excerpt from the article.

Camp defeats the lack of interaction with God’s creation

Richard Louv, a columnist for the San Diego Union-Tribune, in his book Last Child in the Woods, calls a lack of involvement with the outdoors “nature-deficit disorder.” It is not a medical term, but it describes the condition of a majority of kids these days. They may know a lot about nature by watching it on TV, but very few ever experience it firsthand. Many parents in their younger days probably built forts, jumped in creeks, or chased rabbits, but kids today typically have not. More and more professionals are concerned that this generation of parents will be the first to outlive their children due to a lack of activity. It appears that fewer and fewer kids these days are personally experiencing the “great outdoors.” Believe it or not, fear contributes to this phenomenon, as parents are overly concerned for the well-being of their children in a troubled society. Camp provides a safe environment that can defeat this trend.

HERE is an article from Kids Ministry 101 from LifeWay entitle "Four Ways to Make Camp a Milestone, Not a Mountaintop."  Here are the four ways with a short summary.
  1. Prepare.  Set goals for the week.
  2. Go all in.  If you are involved in camp ministry get messy.  If you are sending your kids, listen attentively and ask questions.
  3. Follow up.  
  4. Disciple.  Ask about what they learned and decisions they made.  Help them live out what they learned.
After the week of camp, July 18 - 23, there will be a post about Tips to Keep Summer Camp Momentum.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Importance of Inefficient Service

You may have read the title of this blog and thought it was incorrect.
The title is "The Importance of Inefficient Service."
The definition of inefficient is "not capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time or energy."  This type of service does not sound very important BUT I want to say it is important in family ministry.  It is essential in parenting.  
Discipling your kids is not meant to be done by efficient professionals.
Discipling your kids is meant to be done by YOU!  If you don't feel prepared for this task I want to give you two challenges:
  1. GET PREPARED!  You need to be growing in your personal relationship with God.  You should be serving others from what you are learning and how you are going.  Plan to grow and share what you have been learning and how you have been growing.  Ask others to help you!
  2. REMEMBER, IT IS GOD WHO WORKS IN AND THROUGH US!    We parent and serve for God's glory.  Second Corinthians 12:9 says "But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.'  Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.  For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities.  For when I am weak, then I am strong."

I really believe these two challenges flesh themselves out in many different ways.  Here are two specific realities for parents.
YOU NEED TO SERVE OTHER FAMILIES!  You need you to be actively involved in the Gospel ministry of the church.  You need to be living out the "one anothers."  Check out 1st John 3:16   And this service includes formal ministries like Sunday morning children's ministry, Sonshine and UPWARD.  Your child needs to see you serving God by serving His church and it provides a great opportunity for you to learn alongside your child.  You can also serve other families by getting to know other families outside of the church building.   Invite a family out to  a picnic or some play time.  Look around on a Sunday morning with your thoughts on glorifying God and encouraging others.
WE NEED TO NOT OBSESS ABOUT DOING THINGS EFFICIENTLY!  Sometimes the best way to get something done is to have your child help.  Sure it may not get done as quickly as possible or as neatly as you would have done it.  But it does provide the opportunity for you to help your child work hard and spend time with you.  Work with your kids!  
Here is a great article "In Praise of Inefficiency."  I posted it awhile ago.  It is definitely worth the repost.

Parenting and the Puritans

By sharing resources from the Puritans, I don't want to suggest that the time of the Puritans or the ways of the Puritans were perfect.  There is no "good old days" after the Fall (Genesis 3) that we should long for.

Here are some quotes on parenting from different Puritans.
"If parents would have their children blessed at church and at school, let them beware they give their children no corrupt examples of home by any carelessness, profaneness or ungodliness.  Otherwise, parents will do them more harm at home than bother pastors and schoolmasters can do them good abroad.  For the corrupt example of the one fighteth with the good instruction of the other, which is so much the more dangerous because that corrupt walking is armed with nature and therefor more forcibly inclineth the affections of the children to that side."  (Richard Greenham)

From the old Puritan John Flavel's classic work The Mystery of Providence.The second chapter is an explanation of why we need to worship God for his kind providence in our childhood.  To read the entire post, click HERE

"Now, the purpose of these 8 considerations is not to make parents despair, but to help them see their responsibility.  Flavel acknowledges, of course, that God is the only one who can bring a child to salvation and that God’s purposes are his own. And yet the Scriptures make it plain that the parents are to raise their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Every parent would do well to ponder these 8 items."
This is an abbreviated version of the 8 items.
  1. Consider the intimacy of the relationship between you and your children, and, therefore, how much their happiness or misery is your concern. 
  2. Consider that God has charged you to tend not only to their bodies, but also to their souls. 
  3. Consider what could possibly comfort you at the time of your children’s death if, through your neglect, they die in a Christless condition.
  4. Consider this question: If you neglect to instruct your children in the way of holiness, will the devil neglect to instruct them in the way of wickedness?
  5. Consider that if the years of your children’s youth are neglected, there is little probability of any good fruit afterwards.
  6. Consider that you are the instrumental cause of all your children’s spiritual misery, both by generation and imitation, by birth and by example. 
  7. Consider that there is no one in the world more likely than you to be instruments of their eternal good. 
  8. Consider the great day of judgment and be moved with pity for your children. 

Monday, May 16, 2016

Parental Guidance Required! - sermon resource

Click the Image to go to the sermon series.
This Sermon Series Parental Guidance Required from Northridge Church contains some great Biblical parenting principles.
The first two messages, 
The Greatest Threat to Your Child's Spirituality & 
The Greatest Hope for Your Child's Spirituality, 
lay a strong foundation for parents.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Basics of Family Worship

It is my prayer that Emmanuel Baptist Church could help parents understand their role as the primary disciple maker in their child's life.
To help with this there are going to be posts each day to help you help your child

Tonight (Sunday) - Basics of family worship
Monday - Parental Guidance Required  sermon series from Northridge Church
Tuesday -  Thought from the Puritans on Parenting
Wednesday - The Importance of Inefficient Service 
Thursday - The Role Camps Can Play in Assisting Your Family
Friday - A Reminder About Kids In Church
Saturday -  Family Discipleship Video  


This post includes 
a video by Don Whitney that answers several different questions.
several links to posts about family devotional how to's & failures.

An outline of the questions asked with timestamps:

  • 00:00 – What is your own personal history when it comes to family worship?
  • 1:45 – Was family worship a regular part of your childhood?
  • 2:56 – What have you found historically and biblically that has encouraged you to think that family worship is significant?
  • 5:09 – What exactly is family worship?
  • 6:49 – What is the most difficult element of family worship?
  • 7:47 – What would you say to people who are discouraged by seeming failure in family worship?
  • 10:30 – Is the only audience you have in mind for this book parents with kids?
  • 12:29 – What are you praying the Lord will do through your book in the lives of those who read it?

Here are some honest posts about family worship:

God preserves Israel for the covenant!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Family Devotion Failure and of all the days it was today

I was going to post some family worship ideas/thoughts yesterday.

At first I was disappointed that I didn't get a chance to post but this morning I realized God had more He wanted me to learn before posting.

This past Sunday EKIDZ lesson was "God preserves the Israelites in the wilderness."
Our good, loving God provided in amazing ways for the Israelites despite their complaining.

The Israelites complained against God when they were thirsty (15:24).
Still, God made undrinkable water drinkable (15:25).

The Israelites complained against God when they were hungry (16:1-2).

Still, God provided manna and quail (16:12).

The Israelites complained when they were thirsty again (17:2).
Still, God provided water from a rock (17:8).

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we had some good times of family worship.
On Tuesday, I even shared with the kids a great section of the Gospel Primer that was connected with that days devotional.

Every time  I deliberately disobey a command of God, it is because I am in that moment doubtful as to God’s true intentions in giving me that command. Does He really have my best interests at heart? Or is He withholding something from me that I would be better off having?  Such questions, whether consciously asked or not, lie underneath every act of disobedience.
Each of these days we did the devotionals from the Generation of Grace Family Devotional Guide.  
We prayed and then sent the kids off.


And then this morning. 
I don't need to go into the gory details but let me just say this Thursday morning was no Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday morning.  NOT EVEN CLOSE!!!!

We did NOTHING for family devotions.  Not. A. Single. Thing.
The kids almost missed their ride to school.  

After they left, I told Krista I had really wanted to do today's Family Devotion with them.
After all, it was the Gospel Connection!

First three days - God is a great provider.
Fourth day - Thursday - this morning - of all the mornings - Jesus provides living water.  John 4:7 - 15.  The water Jesus offered the woman at the well  was so much better than the miraculous water from the rock.

But not this morning!!!

And to make matters "worse" I was the elementary chapel speaker this morning.
The living water devotional coupled with what I was talking about in chapel was going to be a great one-two Gospel combination for my kids and for me.

But not today!!!  Of all the days to have a Family Devotions Failure

This morning God wanted to teach me something so much different than my planned one-two combination.  This morning God helped me realize a couple of important truths...
  • It is not about the perfectly planned presentation.  It is about faithfulness and consistency, even on those CRAZY hair pulling mornings.  The kids knew that Krista and I had planned to do devotions with them.  I will talk with them about what needs to be different in the mornings.  The reality is families have mornings like this.  
  • I have to make the most of the opportunities that God does provide and not let what seems like missed opportunities take my eyes off of the One who truly does the work.  Despite the bad morning.  I think the chapel message was clear.
  • This is just another long list of personal reminders that family worship is difficult but it is worth it.  HERE is an "encouraging" article entitled "Stumbling through Family Faith Talks for the Glory of God."  
These talks don't always go as planned.  O.K. to be honest more than "don't always go as planned."  BUT sharing the life-changing truths of the Gospel with my family, the one's God has entrusted to me, is more important than my ease and comfort.

As a pastor, I want to help the families at Emmanuel Baptist Church, understand the importance of and some basic way to do family devotions.  This is the purpose of this blog.  If you have questions leave in the comment section below or go to

Monday, May 9, 2016

Preschoolers & Music

Many of the suggestions in this post can also be used by parents of preschoolers.
I’m so grateful for the group of ladies from my church I meet with on Tuesday nights. I can confess my sin and weakness to them in an environment of safety and know that I will be met with grace and encouragement and pointed to the hope of the gospel. Last night our large group teacher exhorted us to not “build a house for our sin” referencing 2 Chronicles 8:11:
“Solomon brought the daughter of Pharaoh from the city of David to the house he had built for her, for he said, ‘My wife must not live in the house of David king of Israel because the places of the ark of the LORD has come into are holy.”
So our small group became a time of confessing our idols, things that we put in God’s place of first priority in our lives.  
I expressed frustration that I can see the “house” I have built for my idol but taking it down often feels like an impossibility. How do I change my default? We all agreed that the fight against sin is a daily battle. One of the other women in my group encouraged me by sharing that, along with spending time in the Scriptures and in prayer, God often uses hymn lyrics to help her in the fight against sin. I was struck.
I remembered how solid, God-centered lyrics stir my affections like almost nothing else. I see life a little clearer as I sing along or simply listen. God becomes bigger. I become smaller. My perspective shifts. Hope grows.
These lyrics from a Wesley hymn titled “And Can It be that I Should Gain?” remind me of the freedom that Christ bought for me.
Long my imprisoned spirit lay,Fast bound in sin and nature’s night;Thine eye diffused a quickening ray;I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;My chains fell off, my heart was free,I rose, went forth, and followed thee.
These lyrics from “Now Why This Fear” originally written by Augustus Toplady and retuned by Sovereign Grace Music remind me that there is no condemnation. My sin problem was taken care of at the cross. I have nothing to fear.  
Now why this fear and unbeliefHas not the Father put to griefHis spotless Son for us?And will the righteous Judge of menCondemn me for that debt of sinNow canceled at the cross?
These lyrics from “By Faith,” a modern hymn by Keith and Krystin Getty, remind me that I can trust God to keep His promise. I can press on in the work He has called me to as I walk by faith.
We will stand as children of the promiseWe will fix our eyes on Him our soul’s rewardTil the race is finished and the work is doneWe’ll walk by faith and not by sight
Can that same tool of grace apply to preschoolers? Absolutely. Think back to the songs you learned in childhood. For good or bad, they just plain stick with us. What an opportunity we have to pour truth into our little ones through music—truth that will stay with them as long as they are on earth.   
Here are just a few ways you can incorporate music in your preschool class.
  • Greet preschoolers by singing their names in a “welcome to class” jingle set to a familiar tune.
  • Sing the provided key passage songs as a Scripture memory tool.
  • Incorporate lyric videos with motions as an active activity. (This one has rescued me when things get hairy.)
  • Play music in the background during the session or during transitions.
  • Play games such as musical chairs using music with thoughtful lyrics.
  • Let preschoolers play musical instruments along with a song.
  • Invite preschooler to browse through a hymnal or other music book. Read aloud some of the lyrics.
  • Invite preschoolers to paint or draw while listening to music.
  • Check out modern hymns or re-tuned hymns to share with preschoolers.
  • Play a song and talk about the meaning of the lyrics. Define big words.
  • Work together as a group and make up a song.
  • Invite someone who can play an instrument to come to your class to play.
  • Create motions to a favorite song.
  • Record preschoolers singing the key passage song or chanting the big picture question and answer onto an electronic device. Play it back for the child to hear and enjoy.
  • Encourage musical children to hum, tap, or beat-box as they work on their journal sheets or coloring pages.
What are some ways that you have found effective in using music with preschoolers?

Saturday, May 7, 2016

This Sunday lesson, a Mother's Day video and Gospel focusing thought!!

This Sunday the EKIDZ lesson is God preserves Israel.
God provided the Israelites with water from a rock and bread from heaven.

God provides for us in so many ways including mothers.

A humorous but serious Mother's Day video from What's in the Bible?

Originally posted at  on May 9, 2015
At this time of the year there are many articles that come up online about Mother's Day.
Between your own thoughts and the many different ideas from the world, it can be a very confusing, depressing time.
Here are some of the article titles
- An open letter to pastors (a non-mom speaks about Mother's Day)
- To those waiting or mourning on Mother's Day
- How to celebrate when your mother's gone
and more
There is one entitled Dear Mom who secretly dreads Mother's Day that is filled with Christ-centered thinking.  (and it is written by a mom)
Here are some quotes from the article.
  • Momma, you are a work in progress; He is not through with you yet.
  • Friend, YOUR Momma is a work in progress; He is not through with her yet.
  • Dear one, your children and your husband are a work in progress; He is not through with them yet.
  • So take heart, friend. This day is ultimately not about you, or your mothering, or the mothers in your life. It's about the story Jesus is choosing to write through the picture of motherhood in and around your life. And that's worth celebrating...and He certainly isn't through with you yet.  (emphasis mine)
This Mother's Day and every day, celebrate the life God has given you through your mother. Psalm 139:13
This Mother's Day and every day, celebrate the NEW life God has given you through His Son Jesus Christ.  John 3:16 & 2 Corinthians 5:17
This Mother's Day and every day, let's celebrate the God who provides.
ADDED 5/9/15 at 9:50 pm.
I have read the articles referred to in this post and several other articles.
It is my prayer that as a pastor I can help those I lead realize the greatest privilege in the world is being a child of the King.
When there is a group of individuals who have so many different backgrounds, so many different stories, the best thing I  can do is point them to the One in whom they can find
 rest (woman who is a weary mom)
peace (woman who is longing to be a mom)
hope (woman who has lost a child through miscarriage or death)
comfort (woman who longs for a spouse)
everything they truly need in this life and the next (everyone)

The Power of God at the Red Sea and in your life!

Saw this quote tonight and it reminded me of last week's lesson...
"If you are a born again believer, you have experienced the power of God every bit as majestic and mighty as the parting of the Red Sea"  Kevin DeYoung